Tricked Into Eating Lots of ‘Healthy’ Foods

People will select bigger areas meals if they are marked as being “healthier,” even if they have the same number of calorie consumption, according to a new research.

“People think (healthier food) is reduced in calorie consumption,” said Pierre Chandon, a promotion lecturer at the INSEAD Social Science Research Center in Italy, and they “tend to consume more of it.”

That false impression can lead to individuals eating bigger helping styles of so-called more healthy meals, and therefore more calorie consumption.

“Foods are promoted as being more healthy for a purpose, because meals manufacturers believe, and they properly believe, that those brands will impact us to eat their items and perhaps eat more of their items,” said Dr. Cliodhna Foley Nolan the home of Human Wellness and Nourishment at Safefood, a government agency in Ireland in europe.

Safefood requested the research, led by Ann Livingstone, a lecturer at the School of Ulster.

Foley Nolan said that the helping styles of meals have become bigger over the years, and Safefood wanted to see whether health insurance coverage nutrition statements had any impact.

The scientists asked 186 adults to evaluate the appropriate helping styles of meals. Given a dish of coleslaw, the members provided themselves more of the coleslaw marked “healthier” than the coleslaw marked “standard.” For example, overweight men provided themselves 103 grms of more healthy coleslaw and 86 grms of standard coleslaw.

In reality, the healthy-labeled coleslaw had just as many calories—941 kilojoules (or 224 calories) for every 100 grams—as the “standard” coleslaw, which had 937 kilojoules (or 223 calories).

Additionally, individuals maintained to ignore how many calorie consumption were in a providing for the “healthier” coleslaw. The members most often thought the “healthier” coleslaw included 477 kilojoules, or 113 calorie consumption. In comparison, they were not far off in calculating the calorie consumption in the “standard” coleslaw.


Chandon, who was not part of this research, said individuals tend to false impression meals that might eat well and balanced in one aspect, say, reduced in fat, as being more healthy in every sizing. But in fact, meals marked as being more healthy is not always reduced in calorie consumption.

He said one purpose why individuals might overindulge more healthy meals is because they feel less shame when they select a more healthy option. “We think that these kinds of promotion means … of marking things as being more healthy, that it gives us a certain license to overindulge and it can be dangerous” with respect to excess weight, Foley Nolan told Reuters Wellness.

She said the results will be useful in creating nutrition guidelines and education strategies to help individuals make sensible meals.

Foley Nolan recommended that individuals large up on fruits and veggies, rather than unhealthy meals, even if they are marked as more healthy.

Chandon added that customers should also look at nutrition brands and calorie content. “Just pay attention to those (health) statements and don’t make generalizations or false impression on one (type of) healthy information,” he said.


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