Has your old boiler just ended its last winter with difficulty?The symptoms of old generators are too much noise, high energy consumption, and long waits for domestic hot water. Energy inefficiency can cost you dearly in your bills, so it’s time for a boiler change! But which one to choose? Do you know all the advantages of a biomass boiler?
More and more families choose this type of heating because the savings in terms of energy consumption are truly remarkable, and the polluting emissions are much lower than a diesel boiler. In addition, it can be used to heat not only homes but also condominiums and structures for commercial and industrial activities.
The transition from LPG or diesel boilers to Biomass boilers has many advantages, not only economic!
Here Is A Shortlist Of The Main Ones
Fuel Easy To Find And Therefore Low Cost
Wood fuels such as pellets are readily available at most heating fuel retailers. Furthermore, if you live in an area where wood and wood chips are readily available, the convenience is even more evident and sustainable than using methane gas.
Neutral Impact Heating
Wood as fuel (wood logs, wood logs, sawdust, wood chips, and pellets) has a neutral CO 2 balance. This means that the carbon dioxide emitted for energy production is the same that plants have absorbed to develop and the same that would have been produced by the natural fermentation and decomposition of the plant. Heating with biomass, therefore, has no impact on the greenhouse effect.
Use Of Renewable Resources
Unlike fossil fuels, woody biomass fuels are considered a renewable resource, and in many countries like Italy, the forest area has doubled in just 50 years. Each year the forest produces a woody increase of about 32 million m3, but only 24% is harvested, against a European average of 56%.
An Integrated System Without Dismantling The House
Biomass boilers can replace one and all the old gas or diesel boilers without revolutionizing the existing plumbing and heating system. They can be combined with a boiler for the production of hot water.
Attention: For these boilers, a space dedicated to fuel storage must be provided, which varies according to the type of biomass.
Savings On Installation Costs
You can recover 65% of the expenses incurred for energy redevelopment interventions on existing buildings, such as replacing the old boiler with a biomass boiler and installing high efficiency (Class A).
50% Tax Deduction For Building Renovations
You can access this deduction by replacing the old boiler or water heater with a new biomass boiler, as an alternative to the 65% deduction on energy redevelopment interventions, with a maximum deductible cost of 96,000 euros per real estate unit.
A final clarification is that there are various sizes and types of boilers, depending on your needs and the woody biomass fuel you decide to adopt. There are several factors to consider to find the best solution for your needs. Contribute to protecting the climate while switching to biomass boiler with the help of professionals like us as we can guide you better in making the decision and guarantee you a smooth installation.